Welcome to Nursery
The children have settled well and we are looking forward to a very busy and fun half term. They are enjoying becoming familiar with their new classroom and exploring all the new and exciting resources we have.
Soon the Nursery children will be getting their wallets, these will be sent home every Friday and should be returned to school every Monday. In their wallet you will find a homework folder, reading book and yellow Reading Record. Please share the book at home with your child and discuss the pictures. When you have shared the book with your child please write a comment in their yellow Reading Record. These books are changed weekly when a comment has been left.
Parents open sessions will soon be happening, keep an eye out for posters in the Nursery window. We look forward to you joining us and seeing how much fun we have in Nursery.
Staff are now assessing children using The Ages and Stages questionnaire. If you have not completed one at home, please do so and return to Nursery as soon as possible. We will soon be inviting you into school to discuss the outcomes.