Self Isolation Activities

Times Tables Rock Stars!
Pupils are expected to complete 30 minutes per day of independent reading. This should be partly their school reading book, which is matched to their ability to decode and understand the text. Pupils may also read their own personal books or library books during this time.
Pupils are expected to learn ten spellings per week from the Year 2 Common Exception Word List.
Each week, pupils are expected to write a sentence using each of their ten spelling words. Pupils should research the meaning of each word if necessary and write a sentence featuring the word. This will double as spelling and handwriting practice.
Pupils can access the websites below to support them with their learning.
Pupils are expected to complete 30 minutes per day of mathematics activities. We would like pupils to focus on practising addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Pupils have access to the following websites which they can use to practise these skills.
Non-core Curriculum
This term, pupils are learning about Amy Johnson and Christopher Columbus as significant explorers. This is a combination of History and Geography, and will help them to develop their skills in both subjects. We encourage pupils to research this topic using the internet, and they may present their findings in any way they want to. Some suggestions would be a poster or a book.
In Design and Technology the pupils have been learning about structures and have been tasked with building a model skyscraper. The pupils can make this at home using any materials they wish to use.