RWI Phonics lessons
Start off with Speed Sound lessons every day using the link below.
Films will show at the times below and be available for 24 hours.
- Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
- Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
- Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am
Ready For Reading
Why not take a look at "First News" the children's newspaper?
Can you be a newspaper detective? Download the PDF and answer the questions:
1. Can you find a story all about a sand sculpture artist?
2. A white bird, called a stork in Sussex?
3. A story about a four year old child who is a poet?
4. A map of the United Kingdom, telling us about butterflies in Manchester?
First News Children's Newspaper
Challenge 1 – Engaging with Poetical Language
Log onto the Children’s poetry website on the link to listen to the poem
Think carefully about the adjectives (describing words) the nouns (names of objects, people or places), and the verbs (action words) that the poet has used.
Can you illustrate the poem? Illustrate each line, in turn.
Make your illustration as colourful as possible, taking care that it includes everything from the poem.
Splish Splash Splosh
Challenge 2 –Recognising Poetry Structures and Handwriting
Can you re-read the poem?
We are going to create an anthology (collection) of poems.
In your best handwriting can you copy out the poem, exactly as it appears on the page.
Remember, when handwriting, to form your letters correctly.
Tall letters reach up to the sun, small letters sit on the boat, and water letters,
dip their toes in the sea.
Challenge 3 – Understanding Poetry Comprehension and Inference
Can you answer the questions about the poem we have read?
Splish, Splash, Splosh
1. What do babies in the bath do?
2. What does it mean “Grannies for a laugh do it?”
3. Why does the poet call the doggies “drippy?”
4. What picture does the poet paint, about the little fishes?
5. What does the poet mean when he says “buses rushing past do it?”
6. Where is the poet saying that dolphins do it? Why does he use this colour?
7. Why would it be fun in the summer sun to do it?
8. Can you think of three alternative (different) words to replace Splish Splash Splosh?
Log in to TTRockstars to take part in the Bare Trees vs Burnley Brow Battle
Challenge 1 Complete the Times Tables blocks and reveal the pictures

Print out Times Tables blocks
Challenge 2
Think about how numbers are made.
Think about the place and the value of a digit.
Think about hundreds, tens, and ones.
Complete the activities linking multiplication to division
Charanga Musical school website
Go onto the site and complete Lesson 4 of The Friendship song