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Bare Trees Primary School


Reading (30 minutes)

RWI Phonics lessons

Start off with Speed Sound lessons every day using the link below.

Films will show at the times below and be available for 24 hours.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am

Read a book provided in your home learning pack. You can also use the link below to get eBooks matched to Read Write Inc. Phonics Storybooks

English (30 minutes)



LO: To label a place of Worship for Muslims inside a Mosque 


Label the places of worship (Mosque) including: Prayer mat, Qibla, Mihrab, Wash room, Crescent moon and star, Quran and Imam. Draw your own picture and label it using the picture below.






Think about where you are sitting at home. What can you see around you? Complete the table.


Main Activity

Use objects at home or outside to complete the sentences. Use the words: ‘top’, ‘middle’, ‘bottom’, ‘above’ and ‘below’ to describe the position.
The ________ is above ________.
The ________ is below ________.
In between ________ and ________ is ________. Above ________ is ________ and ________.
There is nothing between ________ and ________.



Use 5 cubes to build a tower.
• Start with a yellow cube.
• Place a blue cube on top of the yellow cube.
• Place a white cube below the yellow cube.
• Place a red cube on the top of the tower.
• Place the green cube in between the yellow and white cube.



LO: To identify a range of different plants.


There are a wide range of different plants in the world.Watch the video below and see if you can find some of these plants in your garden. 

Types of Plants

A Learn " Types of Plants " in a very interesting and easy way. E -Learning Studio brought entertaining and fun-filled Nursery Rhymes, Counting, Colours, Sha...
