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Bare Trees Primary School

Task Three


30 Minutes


What to do:

To create your own 2D shapes



Listen to the song and sing along. 

Create each shape you have seen using string, wool or a skipping rope


How to do it: 

Watch the video.  Ask your child to name a shape they saw. Ask your child to use a skipping rope, string, wool or anything long you have to create the shape. 

What can they tell you about the shape? How many sides does it have? How many corners does it have?

Shape Song

If your child finds that tricky:

All children have a go at this activity. Pause the video on the shape so your child can copy the shape. 



Listen to the 3D shape song. What 3D shapes can you remember? Now go on a shape hunt around your home, what 3D shapes can you find? Write the shape name and then write the objects you have found underneath.  Your adult could help you write the list.

3D Shapes | Fun Shape Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann

Learn the 3 D shapes, sphere, cylinder, pyramid, cube and cone. We give examples of each 3 dimensional shape in our environment and real life examples of eac...
