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Give: How we made each other smile during Mental Health Week

The Five Ways to Wellbeing


What is wellbeing?

The concept of wellbeing comprises two main elements: feeling good and functioning well. Feelings of happiness, contentment, enjoyment, curiosity and engagement are characteristic of someone who has a positive experience of their life. Equally important for wellbeing is our functioning in the world. Experiencing positive relationships, having some control over your life and having a sense of purpose are all important attributes of wellbeing. 


On Monday we focused on Giving:


Participation in social and community life has attracted a lot of attention in the field of wellbeing research. Individuals who report a greater interest in helping others are more likely to rate themselves as happy. Research into actions for promoting happiness has shown that committing an act of kindness once a week over a six-week period is associated with an increase in wellbeing.


So as part of Mental Health Week, all year groups were tasked to make another year group smile.


This is what Year 5 did for Nursery

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Year 5 recorded themselves reading a story to Nursery. Here is a selection of the stories.

This is what Reception did for Year 5

This is what Year 6 have done for Year 1

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Year 6 animation

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Year 6 animation

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Year 6 animation

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Year 6 animation

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Year 6 animation

Still image for this video

This is what Nursery sent to Year 6
